Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg-Mania

Today we joined the rest of West Michigan at Kentwood Community Church for their annual Resurection Egg Hunt. It was a great way for the church to reach out to the community and open up an opportunity for those who do not know Christ to join in on our celebration as Christians. So many people think of Easter as "Christmas in Spring" and frankly, it drives me nuts!!! It's not about presents, a bunny, eggs (still not sure how we've managed to mesh eggs and bunnies, but oh well), it's about someone who loved us so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice so that we as born sinners can become immortal and live for all eternity in Glory with God Almighty. If that doesn't beat the heck out of a basket of Peeps in some "grass" that you'll be vacuumming for the next 6 months, I don't know what does! Anyway, the kids had a blast. The hunt was short and sweet following a cute presenation in the sanctuary. We were even lucky enough to have our dearest friend Lori come along for the fun. (Thanks, Lor! It was a blast!) Here are a few shots of the action.
That's a lot of egg hunters!!! (and that was just by the preschoolers and 1st graders)
Li Li checking the haul

1 comment:

Howling Squirrel said...

Amen Susan! Today is a celebration for sure. I think people forget about that. I can't believe how many people showed up. That's crazy and good all at the same time. Happy Easter to you and your family!