Monday, February 15, 2010

out with the old, in with the new

Well, it finally happened. The old coffee maker is in the dumpster. It served me well for many many years. Although terribly stained from it's many years of service and partially broken, it was a good coffee maker and will be missed. But now I have a lovely new black one. Stain free, fully functional, and no burn marks from when the griddle got a little to close. RIP, old coffee maker (even if Mom and Bobby called you junk).


Howling Squirrel said...

I love it! I was the same way with ours. It didn't make hot coffee anymore and we got a new one for Christmas. I'm sure you will have fond memories with the new one :)

The Brogger's said...

Nice choice, we have the same one, only in white!

lori said...

i have the same one!! next time i'm home we'll have to put the new one to good use. :)

Nicki said...

Um Sue, that coffee maker was nasty. I just wanted you to know how I felt :)