Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Last week, all of Kyle's hard work payed off! He has been working on this tooth for a few weeks now and it finally fell out! He has patitioned the help of his uncle, dad, and grandfather, and no one would help, so he had to do it all on his own. When he grew more and more frustrated, Bobby had mercy on him (or on the poor tooth) and with one swift tug it was OUT! I recieved a call at work from a sweet voice saying, "Mommy, my tooth fell out". He looks just as handsome without it as he did with it. I am just dreading the big boy tooth because that means he's probably going to look older! They sure don't stay babies for long!


Zondervan Life said...

What's the going tooth fairy rate these days anyway? Even with a slow economy I have to believe its more than the quarter I used to get:)

Howling Squirrel said...

What a big kid! And my gosh does he have the longest eye lashes that I have ever seen! Congrats big guy!

Nicki said...

Congrats on the tooth Kyle. The tooth fairy better start saving his money for all of those other teeth.